Saturday, February 7, 2009

How to fight the Republican Party and the right-wing fanatics who support them

*Revised for
For Post and blog 2-7-09

JEEZ! The ONLY thing I’ll miss about G. W. Bush is I won’t be able to do the AM RADIO smack down on the cowboy clown from Texas no more.

Ok think about this, the House Judiciary committee on the Bush Imperial Presidency has compiled 481 pages of Bush/Cheney misdeeds. 1685 footnotes! Bush/Cheney thought it was good Conservative fiscal policy (trickle down, free market, Reaganomics or whatever bull$#!~ name you want to call it) to fill most of administration with the who’s who of K-St/Wall St. special interests.

Either Bush Jr. was SO IGNORANT or SO GREED STRICKEN because one doesn’t put the fox in the hen house by ACCIDENT! This led to a culture of unheard avarice and pure debauchery. (I heard the most popular hotspot during the 2008 Republican National Convention in MN was the airport men’s room where Larry Craig used to blow guys)

Republicans from 1983 to 2006 made things SO BAD… they started ripping off themselves. (ask former NRCC Treasurer Christopher Ward)
Silver spoon, white collar criminals, con men and sexual deviates with police and secret service protection, the wet dream of every old corrupt bastard on the planet.

NOTE: (COME ON! Any rational thinking, reasonable American citizens would choose to give Obama a chance rather than put their faith in the Republicans who got us in such a huge mess. Only right-wing fanatics and dull ditto-heads would trust these people after getting fucked in the ass for the last 8 years. Maybe the tough guys liked IT, how else does one explain the popularity of Ann Coulter, lol).

I know it’s a stretch… but for arguments sake lets say Americans can forget about the 4000+ dead, 30,000+ wounded US soldiers and GOD only knows how many Iraqis. Forget that Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld took the good will of the world after 9/11 and turned it to HATE and mistrust. The 7 TRILLION dollars wasted or the 20 BILLION dollars missing or the 175,000 weapons misplaced. The $1.6 BILLION spent on spin and buying journalists. No recall of all the arms dealers and WAR profiteers that milked our national treasury. IGNORE all the Constitutional VIOLATIONS, domestic spying, soldiers getting electrocuted by shoddy workmanship, bold face lies, Justice Dept. bias, reckless economics, Walter Reed, Katrina, TORTURE!

IF THE READER CAN POSSIBLY FORGET ALL THAT… then the WORST thing the Bush Administration DID was NOT raise taxes to pay for the WAR. The debt gets passed on to your kids and grandchildren.

NOTE: (Yea BUSH won the war when he can walk the streets of Iraq without security like Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did. Maybe we can talk about Bush again when he gets indicted for war crimes, waste fraud, abuse, scandal, bribery, corruption, arms dealing, etc… For GOD’s sake, it’s like the Justice department NEVER heard of the R.I.C.O. Act…

I’m going out on a limb here and send Obama and a communication on just what I REALLY THINK they need to do to save the good old USA. This isn’t fringe or radical for people who possess the CONSCIOUSNESS, but all the stiff, constipated, blue-haired conservative curmudgeons will be shocked and outraged. Rush Limbaugh will compare me to Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) and Hannity will call me a communist. BUT WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT THEM? It’s time for Democrats to start acting like they WON the elections.

The first thing I would do is give Michael Phelps a break and LEGALIZE the collie herb …ahhhh, I mean marijuana. Create an atmosphere of enlightened moderation and tax the shit out IT to save the economy. HELL YES! Take the money out of the hands of traffickers, money launderers and all the little government officials/law enforcement agents they buy off. COME ON! In my hometown we used to buy off cops with free drinks and party girls… YOU THINK I’M STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE the war on drugs, with it’s huge profits ON BOTH SIDES OF THE WAR, HASN’T fostered a wave of corruption that will plaque our great grand children?

CONCERNED CITIZENS… Don’t be suckers! Grow IT, legalize IT, tax IT and smoke it at Starbucks (lol)

Speaking of misallocation of resources let look at law enforcement, the jail/prison industrial complex and the criminal so-called justice system.
I want to know who’s invested… and WHY THEY’LL ALLOCATE TENS OF BILLIONS DOLLARS TO MAKE AMERICANS CITIZENS INTO INMATES BUT THEY WANT TO CUT SPENDING ON EDUCATION! Yea, “land of the free” my skinny Italian-American @$$… with the largest inmate population on the planet… #*~/ you too!

Now foreign policy… hummmm, lets SEE! I have only one question up front… How can a WAR on TERROR be won without making the arms dealers accountable for their actions?

I think President Obama will do a better job fighting terrorism because he will embrace the world community. Bush/Cheney chose to incite violence. I dare any Republican to go to the worst part of town, find some locals on the street and tell them to “BRING IT ON” like Bush did in Iraq. What the #*~/ did you morons THINK was going to happen? Foreign policy can’t be run like an episode of “24” on FOX or some WWF fake wrestling match. There’s a whole wealth of psychology involved with Conservative low grade thought processes.

One can see it on the faces of those who defend Bush/Cheney using the “they kept Americans safe from another terror attack...” line. They come to the water cooler all pumped up after watching “24”. Yea, it feels good watching Agent Jack Bower torture the terror suspect to save American lives. OH yea, shoot the terrorist scum in the knee, cut him up with a knife, then kick him on the wound… oooaaaahhhhh. "He's black, he's brown, waterboard the puke, he won't drown"

Hey I’m human, I know the feeling. After 9/11 I was ready to boil Osama bin Lunatic alive in pigs blood. Then I took a few deep cleansing breaths and realized a few savage, degenerates who’ve perverted Islam don’t scare me near a much as all the foolish dolts that actually believe capitalism can survive WITHOUT ethics, responsibility and accountability.

Funny how NO ONE in Homeland Security thought to save the American PEOPLE from economic terrorism. Because of Republican legislation since Reagan, our corporations and financial giants ARE NOT OWNED BY AMERICANS anymore. They didn’t have the best interests of the American people in mind. Too bad we can’t prosecute elected officials for violating their SWORN OATHS!

If a terrorist act DOES happen I can almost guarantee it originated with a covert action by one of the private Military for profit Corporations that stand to loose their lucrative cost plus contracts the never-ending war on terror can provide.

Hey it’s nothing that hasn’t happened several times in the past. I think the role of any nation’s intelligence service is to make sure the War profiteers make all they can. Example: Basra, Iraq - September 2005
Two British special forces agents, dressed as Arabs, caught by Iraqi police. UK forces actually stormed the jail where they were being held for trial and took them away. Then there’s the Whitehouse memo between Blair and Bush. There’s a reason why Bush/Cheney spent 1.6 billion on spin, paying off reporters, newspapers, radio and TV news.

NOTE: ( someone in the Obama Administration should create a registry
for each and everyone one of the mercenaries that make up the 180,000+ private military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan)

Forget NASA, cut back on weapons research, spend the money on EDUCATION and put our great minds to work on a man to the moon effort to find or perfect alternative ENERGY resources.

END MEDIA CONSOLIDATION! Break up the monopolies, end the fear mongering, hire some REAL journalists and INVESTIGATE! When you turn to those hidden cameras have it on something other than celebrity worship. I blame the mainstream media more than any other entity for the mess Bush/Cheney left us. If the #*~/’n 4th Estate had been doing it’s job… #*~/’n teleprompter readers! Journalist soup…
Most important make Clear Channel and Citadel broadcasting accept the responsibility of AM radio stations NOT working for the public interest. Funny all the Conservative talk stations are 50,000 watt.

Of course one has the right to listen to Rush Limbaugh but WHY WOULD ANY REASONABLE PERSON WANT TO? (Especially with Jim Rome on at the same time) Here’s a man who been so consistently WRONG on every issue that one might as well listen to William Kristol on FOX. Radio Free Conservative is what the intelligence community call psychological warfare. How does Limbaugh make more money than the revenue he generates? EASY because he’s getting paid for his propaganda.

While Conservatives were caught up blaming the Liberal wackos for every problem under the sun… a bunch of vain, self-serving, shameless, greed stricken, power mad, silver spoon con men ravaged and expatriated most of our nation’s wealth and resources. Nice job morons. Which Bush will you try to elect next, Jeb. In the mean time GIVE OBAMA/BIDEN A CHANCE to save us from your low grade thought processes.

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