Lesson 1 - find something that makes you ANGRY. EXAMPLE: Reports of Dick Cheney in Israel talking smack about President Obama. “Obama will never make it in the big leagues…”, Cheney told his Jewish hosts.
WHAT? Real patriotic Dick… Do the big leagues include YOU and that mental midget George W. and all the domestic and foreign policy DISASTERS you negotiated. Like I said before Cheney is suffering from delusions of grandeur and shameless hypocrisy. Why the #*~/ isn’t Dick Cheney in prison? Lesson 2 - figure out what are the RIGHT questions to ask.EXAMPLE: What is this thing of pride and progress American leaders speak of? Had they put ANYTHING in place of what they had destroyed? Had they given the humanity inspiration and intellect? Had they improved the lot of the poor, afflicted and of human destiny? Or did they let the mad competition of wealth and city life cause pain and poverty? Lesson 3 - learn to vent anger WITHOUT using knives, guns or bombsAlthough I’d like nothing better than a full scale revolution where all the bureaucrats/aristocrats are quickly held accountable for VIOLATIONS of the Constitution, sworn oaths and corporate responsibilities… I keep it to myself and use it to write a fiction version of my original non-fiction manuscript. I focus my anger, turn it into sarcastic humor and make myself laugh.
EXAMPLE: I know, I KNOW, it's just a coincidence the G20 Summit starts on April Fools Day...
Instead of joining the flaming eyed, black shirted anarchist radicals who want to treat Bush/Cheney like Benito Mussolini or Nicolae Ceausescu… I turn to those amazing individuals who changed the course of human history. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Howard Zinn, John S Saloma III, Abbie Hoffman or my personal favorite Jean-Jacques Rousseau. One man who changed the world. What IS the role of genius in history, of man versus the masses and the State? The Act of Anger to Art:“I ask myself if all my hard work, research, study and writing will ever make a difference, if I’ll be remembered for doing anything good. I’ve volunteered my political organizing skills, fixed dilapidated buildings, communicated on the internet and written documentation but for WHAT? I can’t get anyone that could make a difference to listen… So WHY not join the revolution? At the very least the playing field will be leveled. I like to imagine I’m the reincarnation of Francois Rousseau, the long lost brother of Jean-Jacques, who ran away at an early age and disappeared from history... Can I be frank? NO? Well then let me tell of another man who was repudiated all during his life but turned his anger and frustrations into ART for all to savor after his death..."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau one day in 1749 was walking between Paris and Vincennes when a revelation came to him:
“…all at once I felt myself dazzled by a thousand sparkling lights. Crowds of vivid ideas thronged into my mind with a force and confusion that threw me into unspeakable agitation; I felt my head whirling in a giddiness like that of intoxication. A violent palpitation oppressed me. Unable to walk, I sat down under one of the trees by the road, and passed half an hour there in such a condition of excitement that when I rose I saw that the front of my waistcoat was wet with tears… Ah, if I could have written a quarter of what I saw and felt under that tree, with what clarity should have brought out all the contradictions of our social system! With what simplicity I should have demonstrated that man is by nature GOOD, and that only our institutions have made him BAD…”
AUTHOR’S NOTE: (I too had an mind blowing experience during a hike through the Blood of Christ Mountains in New Mexico. I was so stuck by a force of intellect and the power of content that it took me hours to recover. The last part of my hike out was in the darkness following stars in the clear NM sky. I came down from the mountain top and tried to pass on the message of enlightenment (I was
blessed with) by calling Conservative talk radio, writing on blogs, alternative media and cable News message boards. (lol)
(HEY! I didn’t ask for this gift, whether YOU readers want to believe in the message or not I DON’T CARE! Those who possess the CONSCIOUSNESS will UNDERSTAND)
But how could I say it BETTER than Rousseau who came before me?
“a feeling heart was the foundation of all my misfortunes! …my mind seeds of indignation against our foolish social institutions, by which the welfare of the public and real justice are always sacrificed to I know not what appearance of order, which does nothing more than add the sanction of public authority to the oppression of the weak and the iniquity of the powerful…”
Rousseau and Revolution” by Will + Ariel Durant (Simon and Shuster)
Don’t take my word for it, allow me to use a passage from the Readers Companion to World Literature (Mentor Books):
“…the French writer was one of those rare individuals who, by some strange destiny, became the voice of mankind at a crucial moment in history. His writings not only helped touch off the French Revolution but led to an enthusiasm which brought French aid to the American Revolution. In essence Rousseau argued that the natural man is happy and good and society, which abuses the benefits of civilization, tends to deprive him. He preached the recognition of man’s true nature. These ideas represented Rousseau’s revolt against the indifference to human misery shown by the aristocrats of his age. Man is born FREE, he said, but everywhere he is in chains…” NOTE: (Read the Cyber Bitch Slap and THE BEST DAMN POLITICAL STRATEGIST 2 to get the facts of our own modern day version of what Rousseau was ANGRY about in his time. THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR, it‘s up to the reader to take the time to UNDERSTAND! THE ART OF ANGER goes against everything Americans believe in. YES or NO? …YOU can be proud Concerned American Citizens or nothing better than frightened consumers… It’s UP TO YOU! AUTHOR’S NOTE: (I’m very disturbed by the fact most of my Liberal friends, associates and fellow activists STILL don’t get what the hell I’m talking about. Too many Liberals are stuck in the chi chi 60’s. Still caught up in non-confrontational world of vegetarianism or some bullshit Eastern based religion… I came up with the name for my criticism of this phenomena, after a friend in So. Cal. REALLY let me down. I call it “FUCK OVER SPIRITUALISM” ) Here’s a email I sent to radio talk show host Thom Hartmann 3-26-09“I usually agree with you but while listening to the Mark Rudd interview I found myself thinking these guys spent the last 40 years stuck in the 60’s and now they’re tying to make money off it. I’m ready to drop my non-violent stance on protest. ORGANIZE! Rudd said, for what… so the SAME few liberal spokespersons can get national airtime (over+over+) while the VOLUNTEERS WHO ARE IN THE TRENCHES ARE IGNORED? So concerned citizens can stand behind fences and barbed wire just to DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY? I tried it and all it did is MAKE ME A TARGET FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT! But that’s not the most interesting part of the story… NO! The real meat and potatoes is how Democrat and Liberal leadership and organizations totally abandon us when we were TARGETED…It’s #@*/’n uncanny… Since 2000 I’ve written to every Democratic or Liberal Organization I come across, 1000’s of letters and emails to everyone from the ACLU to Hilary Clinton to Michael Moore to Larry Flynt. (lol) At least Flynt replied to wish me well. (Howard Zinn called my work “vivid and compelling”) BUT NOT ONE OF THE LIBERAL GENERALS WHO TOOK US TO BATTLE BOTHERED TO REPLY!I COULD GO ON… but I think the point has been made about how bad things got and how disturbing a story I have written about AND HOW THE LEFT-WING FAILED TO HELP/SUPPORT THE CONCERNED CITIZENS in the trenches doing all the WORK! That’s why Conservatives made such gains to elect that putz Bush two times, the right-wing was smart enough to embrace it’s supporters (base)
One Of the Cop’s had his book published by a Conservative publisher, even though my story is much better, I never got THAT chance!NOTE: (One might think after
Conservatives made sure police Sgt. Greg Preece got his book published “
NOT on the Left... OoooHhhh Nooooo NOQ! There's a fight going on... the competition for the microphone by Liberals/Democrats resembles an “American Idol” Competition… a few stars getting national attention using the hard work and creativity of others. My exposé has become the equivalent of shouting FIRE in a crowded theater. Everyone running for the exits stepping on ANYONE WHO GETS IN THEIR WAY! (I’ve got the wounds to prove it, lol) Non-violence… #*~/ THAT! This ain’t no protest movement, this is a CLASS WAR m’#*~/r… and all you fancy boy 60’s has-beens are just getting in the way. It’s time to pass the mike and national attention to a new generation of radicals who want JUSTICE and ACCOUNTABILITY. It’s like you’re spitting on the memory of Rousseau.
Tell Rudd to go back into the Liberal closet with all the Ginenne Garafalo’s and Michael Moore’s and Arrianna Huffington’s and etc., etc., etc… that let the Bush and the Republicans #*~/ over our nation SO BAD! What the #*~/ did you people REALLY DO about it besides feather you own nest? I bet you don’t have the courage to give me airtime… you’re IT!"
To be honest I’ve almost had IT with Democrats and Liberals… Because of my ideological beliefs I’ve worked with, associated, dated and put my faith in people on the Left side of the political spectrum ONLY TO BE LET DOWN IN ALMOST EVERY RELATIONSHIP! It’s a phenomenon I’m still trying to understand… I’m heading back East just to see if it’s a people who live west of the Mississippi character flaw. (lol) HEY don’t blame me… At least the Republicans don’t pretend they’re NOT vain, self-serving, power mad, greed stricken, spiritually fucked over, sexually frustrated ideologues!
In any case most individuals from the Left-wing are too stuck in the chi chi 60’s for MY NEEDS, so I’m seriously thinking of turning Republican to help the poor ignorant Conservative wacko, right-wing fanatical bastards out of the
Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Fox News daze/stupor they’ve been suffering from. The bad influences of right-wing rhetoric and propaganda is leading the fanatics to do terrible things. (SEE NEWS: recent murders involving immigrant, gay and inmate victims) They need some Conscious guidance:
Olive branch to Conservatives
THE MESSAGE: As far as G20 World Economics goes, I’m not even going to try and understand what all those bleeping bureaucrats are up to. The only thing I know for sure is that the American PEOPLE have no control over it. Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, 3rd Party or that one guy that always talks about Ron Paul… It doesn’t matter what you think, do or say as far as the Feds are concerned. The Feds have been throwing the BILLIONS of dollars around for so long now they’ve lost all concept of what it’s worth to the average American. Sad to say but “
Of, By and For the PEOPLE” isn’t what it used to be.
I’m encouraged by the fact Conservatives are finally getting out to the streets for some Civil Disobedience but the reality is unless your Tea Party includes thousands of people storming government buildings and using those tea bags to tar and feather government officials IT’S REALLY NOT GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Since most modern day Americans don’t possess the COURAGE for a REAL revolution, I think you people have to admit your limitations and take small steps. One of the few politicians I ever really liked was longtime
speaker of the House, Democrat Tip O’Neill. Good ole "Tip" used to tell the PEOPLE how it really was. He came up with great lines such as “
And THAT’S the secret. There’s really only 2 choices, full scale revolution or local politics. You want to make a difference, do it in you own community first... It's like what Frankie Sinatra used to say “
if you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere”.
Just make sure you have a clear set of principles so people don’t end up thinking you a shameless hypocrite. Lets say you’re always complaining about the economy but you’re driving a foreign make car, shop at WalMart and eat at Pizza Hut, then your peers will know you’re full of shit. You want to help the US economy, support you local business people. If you KNOW there’s a General Mills Plant in town employing fellow Americans, then BUY General Mills products. Now to be fair the same thing goes for General Motors and all it’s Union workers you Conservatives like to demonize.
That plant worker who makes a decent wage, maybe spends some dollars in your store or for your services and on down the line it goes. The main reason the US economy went bad is because for the last decade most of our dollars have been going to Asia.
Let’s face facts the only power the American PEOPLE have left is as consumers. As far as Pizza Hut goes, I don’t care they sell pizzas for $5, I won’t pay 2 cents for those nasty things the pawn off as pizza. No, if I want pizza I give the business to my local community establishment. I go to Pete’s of Brooklyn Pizza Parlor where they really know how to spin the dough. I get a nice pepperoni, black olive, pepper Stromboli and I’m a happy man, knowing I just made the US economy stronger...
UPDATE: I think RADIO FREE CONSERVATIVE and FOX Spin... ahhh I mean News, OWES the President an apology for the way Limbaugh, Hannity and most of it’s local callers portrayed Obama as a coward or too weak to resolve this Somali pirate hostage crisis…
UPDATE: Easter 4-12-09
I got the good news Easter morning. There I was browning the Italian sausage in olive oil and garlic ready to put them in the tomato sauce when I heard the TV blare out the “special report” announcement. Ohhh happy days, my heart jumped with joy… Captain Philips was rescued from the Somali pirates.
It was a foreign policy test of President Obama that he passed with (cool, calm, collected) flying colors. (all you Limbaugh, Hannity Conservative wackos and right-wing fanatics OWE the President an apology for all the things you said about him last Thursday and GOOD FRIDAY) Thank GOD Bush wasn’t still in power, the crazy cheerleader would have invaded several countries just to prove how much a MAN he is. (W. prancing around in a flight suit declaring VICTORY) Rumsfeld would have broke the U.S. economy with all kinds of private security, supplemental expenses and cost plus contract$.
NOTE: ( I can’t wait to hear how all the Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck types SPIN this rescue. They probably won’t even mention it, bringing up petty bull$#!~ to misdirect all the ignorant, degenerate people who follow them)
Apparently the Navy Snipers were WELL PREPARED and SURGICAL in the strike mission. Obama was lucky to have reliable trustworthy patriotic military support around him to resolve this hostage crisis. A luxury Jimmy Carter didn’t enjoy during his presidency… If Ollie North had run this recent rescue mission for his president all the Navy ships would have ended up on the bottom of the Indian Ocean just to get Republicans elected. HONOR? …my @$$!
By the way I hope the TEA PARTY protests all you crazy Glen Beck/Karl Rove types have been promoting goes well and actually gets ALL of your angry supporters out to the streets to make a STATEMENT! If NOTHING else concerned citizens, political activists and law enforcement agents (across the nation) will be able to film and identify WHO the Conservative wackos and right-wing fanatics ARE in their city… (welcome to the world of surveillance, keeping track of dissidents, LOL)
Glen Beck/Karl Rove REBEL YELL for TEA PARTY: “taxes on the rich, are a real bitch, we don’t pay for WAR, let the children pay FOR, consumers just want MORE, ALL WE WANT TO SEE, is tax cuts for the wealthy” cHANT cHANT! (lol)
Do the Republicans/Conservatives have NOTHING ELSE except THAT? (and Chia Obama) Petty m’#*@~/r’s!
*~UPDATE: 4-16-09 …after the Tea Party
I’m so sick of the old time giggly, stuck in the chi chi 60’s Liberals on the radio. Downplaying the Tea Parties doesn’t make their symbolism go away… Democrats/Liberals are too stuck living off the 2008 election victories to realize Republicans/Conservatives are winning the WAR!
I phoned and emailed every Democrat in Congress and BEGGED them not to vote for the Bush/Paulson bailout. That’s the problem with most Democrats, they’re not street smart. I tried to teach Americans that a con is a CON, doesn’t matter in a back alley or the Ivory Tower… the trick is to recognize IT and NOT GET PLAYED FOR FOOLS! And that’s exactly what Bush/Paulson did to the naive Democrats with the bailout. They took 7 and a half years of Bush/Cheney reckless economics and put it in the hands of the Democratic Congress in one weekend. NO ETHICS, NO RESPONSIBILITY, NO ACCOUNTABILITY and the dumb ass, m’#*~/’n Democrats in Congress ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN! The ONLY thing that got bailed out was the Bush/Cheney legacy! Think about how great things would be right now if you hadn’t passed the BAILOUT! (@$$holes)
Limbaugh, Hannity and the FOX News ARE GOING TO SPIN THIS THING TO DEATH because it’s ALL THEY‘VE GOT! The video of those 750 locations and 112,000 Tea Partiers are the make or break of the disgraced Republicans like Gingrich, Tom Delay, Ralph Reed and others who laid the groundwork for this Wall St K-St. economic nightmare we’re now living.
Note: (Go to Bill Moyers Journal and watch the episode titled “Capital Crimes”. Then maybe, MAYBE you’ll know what I’m talking about. There’s people on the American scene that want the Bush/Cheney Administration, Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich and most of Congress (1986-2006) prosecuted and PUNISHED, but they‘re not getting any news coverage)
Tea Party Organizers like Charlotte Salazar here in New Mexico, who had among the bigger turnouts in several NM cities, will be courted by the Republican Party and made into a star… (Republicans have never organized Civil disobedience before) NM Republicans Party will embrace Charlotte and call her their own. Failed Republican candidates (in the last election where Democrats sweep the state) were given new life and hope and the past will be forgotten.
NOTE: so-called Representatives of the PEOPLE, Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson were dishing out their “8 million jobs” “Growing economy will pay for War in Iraq” BULLSHIT… just a few weeks before the news of an economic crisis came to light in 2008
Here is where these TEA Partiers are, at the crossroads. Do they let Fox News sway them back to the Republican Party or do they REALIZE they have the power to form a new Third Party that will ACTUALLY WORK FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. (you remember all that about “Of, By and For the PEOPLE”, right?)
I think Democrats and Liberals are making a mistake by giggling about the Tea Parties. I realize it how hypocritical it is these Conservative morons are blaming Obama/Biden for the economy and while they were protesting against high taxes Obama announced a TAX CUT, but I’m giving them a B+ for a good first time effort. For ME, this Tea Party was a great success… let me explain.
Here in the west I’ve spent the last 5 years calling Conservative talk radio (KFI-am 640 LA, KKOB-am 770 ABQ, 50,000 watts heard in 17 western states) and WARNING all the Conservatives about the reckless economic policy of the Bush/Cheney Administration. All I got was insults and threats from right-wing fanatics who call these shows ( I have it all on audio tape) I know the sounds of their voices so I’m sure these same callers supported the TEA Party. I’m putting together a video now that will show these Tea Parties are nothing but politics. I now can ask the legitimate question: WHERE THE #*~/ WERE YOU PEOPLE AND YOUR ECONOMIC OUTRAGE 5 YEARS AGO? You don’t REALLY care about the economy, you’re just sore losers and shameless hypocrites who have nothing BETTER to do but blame Obama.
How convenient it is just to ignore/forget the fact Bush/Cheney and a Republican Congress ran up a 5 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT. That the Corporate Crime Wave (who put profit before patriotism) used lobbyists to buy government officials for about the same price as a high-class prostitute.
What Conservatives can’t seem to grasp, fail to understand or been brainwashed so bad by Radio Free Conservative and Tokyo Rush that the right-wing fanatics have LOST the capacity to reason… During the Bush/Cheney Administration all appointment and positions were filled with the Who’s WHO of Wall St. and K-St. attorneys and lobbyists. They set in motion a culture of greed, waste, fraud, abuse, scandal, corruptionn and sexual degeneracy that lasts to this day.
If the Tea Partiers had ANY sense of what it is to be patriotic American Citizens, instead of crying for tax cuts for the same rich people who scammed you… YOU’D HAVE SPENT TODAY DEMANDING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THEIR CRIMES! I don’t think they have the brains, imagination or COURAGE for such a grand step forward… instead I see them taking 2 steps BACK with the Karl Roves and the Newt Gingrichs and Tom Delays, and Ralph Reeds and Rush Limbaughs and Shaun Hannitys and Ann Coulters and Dick Cheneys and all the OTHER incompetent ideologues who left the USA in ruins…
April 15, 2009 was a great day for ME. Not only was my grand social experiment on Conservative Talk Radio JUSTIFIED… but while walking through the crowd at the Tea Party… I met a sexy, beautiful woman who doesn’t care I’m a political boat-rocker. I’ve always been into Republican women, most really know how to treat a men. Who needs porn when there's the leggy women of FOX News? Sad to say, a GROWING number of females on the Left side of the political spectrum are either self-absorbed victims who’d rather have a relationship with a vibrating dildo than a good man OR man hating Lesbians… (I know, I KNOW... SEXIST!) lol
.. did I say that out loud? (lol)