To President Obama (;
Honestly, what the nation NEEDS to heal, is investigations into WHY so many well-paid workers in the SEC, FCC, rating agencies, government officials, news media during the Bush/Cheney era, MISSED the SIGNS of the economic meltdown. Was all the waste, fraud, abuse, scandal, corruption, etc. an organized effort to scam the honest, hardworking, patriotic citizens who put their faith in the system? (CNBC among the other news outlets really dropped the ball, huh)
THE AMERICAN PEOPLE demand accountability and EQUAL JUSTICE! Why is it elected officials, public sector workers and the well-connected, rich and powerful GET AWAY WITH THE KIND OF CRIMES THAT WOULD HAVE US IN THE MIDDLE CLASS PRIVATE SECTOR FIRED AND PROSECUTED?
WHAT ABOUT protections for Whistle Blowers? WHAT THE #*~/ HAPPENED TO THAT? True leaders would EMBRACE those with the courage to do what’s RIGHT. I mean, if it’s TRUE all that I hear about rebuilding the “foundations”, RIGHT? ( (Media Matters) Getting individuals the American PEOPLE can TRUST seems to be a good place to start…
Also recovery of stolen assets from the Bernie Madoff’s/Allen Stanford’s scumbag, silver spoon, con men types MUST be taken into account. That’s WHAT, 60-70 BILLION DOLLARS on the line from Madoff/Stanford alone? And the government is bragging about recovering approximately ONE BILLION? (The Public Sector sets such LOW STANDARDS for themselves, don’t they?) What about all the missing BILLIONS in Iraq? AND WHAT OFF-SHORE ACCOUNTS the loveless, sons a bitches hid the money in…
I think President Obama is making a HUGE mistake ignoring the DEMANDS for Accountability the American PEOPLE are voicing over the economic meltdown AND criminal domestic/foreign policy DISASTERS perpetrated by the Bush/Cheney administration. The Congress, Justice Dept. and mainstream News media need to START investigations into the Who, What, When, Where and HOW all this waste, fraud, abuse, scandal, corruption and VIOLATIONS of the Constitution was allowed to happen.
Very rarely is a Con man alone, not the good ones anyway. For every Dick Cheney, Bernie Madoff, Allen Sanford, etc... there’s got to be at least a dozen people below them either IN on the con (family members, accountants, sex partners) or NOT DOING THEIR JOBS in government (law enforcement, regulation, oversight) Add to the mix a news media that’s bought and paid for. I’m not afraid to say the last 8 years have been the greatest rip-off scam in the history of the human race. The sums, scope and dimension is beyond even my imagination and will take years to completely understand. THE PENALTIES and PUNISHMENT should be as extreme as the crimes …so this kind of thing NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!
(...anything LESS is the policy of cowards! you #*~/'n pussies)
Really, WHERE the #*~/ is a Ferdinand Pecora or Frank Church when WE NEED THEM? Maybe all you silver spoon, aristocrats missed IT, but there’s A LOT OF ANGRY PEOPLE OUT THERE! I travel across this great nation in my role as activist organizer. I hear from the AVERAGE AMERICAN and a good representation of the 40 MILLION Concerned Citizens struggling below the poverty level and THEY ARE PISSED OFF AND READY TO ACT! More than once I’ve heard talk of retaliation if the government doesn’t take care of the problems. GOD help the USA if Obama/Biden fails because there’s a lot of insurrection on the horizon and it won’t be pretty.
NOTE: (Maybe all you geniuses who live in the Ivory Towers, might want to hire me as a consultant, I can provide the type of PROTECTION and Plan B strategies your Spin Doctors/attorneys don’t understand. Believe me, THE TIME IS NOW! Just remember law enforcement and the military won’t help you from what’s coming, if the PEOPLE don’t get EQUAL JUSTICE and ACCOUNTABILITY! I always give the example of 1992 Rodney King verdict riots in So. Cal. Ask Reginald Denny where law enforcement was while he was getting his head crushed on Florence and Normandy… about 15 blocks away in a donut shop watching it on TV, lol)
Here in NM, so-called Representatives of the PEOPLE such as Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson were dishing out their “8 million jobs” “Growing economy will pay for War in Iraq” BULLSHIT… just a few weeks before the economic crisis came to light
AUTHOR'S NOTE: CHANGE! That’s what I was promised but I’m not feeling the change in the economic policy. During the election it was all bottom up, bottom up… but as far as I can tell it all been TOP DOWN! The same old timey Conservative trickle down theory that has destroyed the Middle class. Obama handing out billions to the Hedge and private equity funds isn’t making the 40 million American people that exist below the poverty level very happy. It’s like Obama is institutionalizing the “too big to fail” Corporate state. Rewarding private investors while putting the taxpayer at great risk. To re-create the Corporate institutions that got us in trouble in the first place. I may be wrong but Wall St. should NOT be the standard by which our economy is judged. Stock Market goes up… GREAT, but what does THAT say while the jobless numbers are staggering?
I wrote all my so-called representatives in government when Bush/Paulson started this whole bailout nightmare and told them I’d rather sleep in a cardboard box than let Bush reckless economic policy rule for the next 10 years. This isn’t what I volunteered most of my free time in 2007-08 to get Democrats elected for. So Obama could turn into ANOTHER Beaugeois black person who got to the top and then forgot WHY...
Yea, get all giddy about visiting that rich &^><~ the Queen, she's a HO! Just like all those other elitist Royal pain in the @$ Brit’s that have done terrible things to the planet like... ANYWAYS, I’m not feeling all Obama said about BOTTOM UP, right now. Not while watching all this pitiful news coverage of Barack and Michele meet the Queen, THEY EVEN TOUCH THE QUEEN! (#*~/ you too @$$^*/{‘s) WHAT'S NEXT? Obama kissing the right shoulder of some Saudi Royal… What is IT with Black people and Royalty? They’ve turned into such celebrity worshipers, every one from Tupac to #*~/n Prince Philip, kiss the master’s royal robe.
I’ve heard from several Black women who were telling me how the writing for such + such TV show was innovative and breakthrough or some other high praise I can’t even remember because I was thinking “WHO GIVES A FUCK?" It’s a #*~/’n TV show, even worse a #*~/’n DRAMA! Just to make the conversation a little more HELLISH… she was talking about a cop drama… and then I watched it and realized the Stylishly new TV show cop/hero WAS A SERIAL KILLER TOO!
What? I’m NOT GETTING IT woman… WHY the fuck is this TV bull$#!~ so important to you? AND WHY ARE YOU WASTING MY TIME WITH IT? Blow me! It’s a phenomenon not unlike inmates in jail for SO LONG, that when the guards play the FOX TV show COPS constantly… the prisoners start cheering for the cops??? It's sad to watch...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: (Ohhhh, get over it and don't even start about me being a racist... that's bullshit and Don Rickles will tell you the same thing...) #*~/'N STIFFS, you @~'s got money... why don't you get someone to buy you A SENSE OF HUMOR!)
Note: Michael Savage is on the radio talking about Obama’s MOTHER! lol…
(yea, I’m crazy)
...people united, we’ll never be divided. Bullshit!
ok now that I got that RAGE out of me, let's move on
Republicans owe Obama/Biden 2 years free from conflict because it will take at least that long to sort out the MESS Bush/Cheney and Congress left for them. It’s a disaster much worse than anyone imagined. My adversary’s can dispute my argument but they can’t put down my sources of information. Especially while most Conservatives are reverting back to the old timey Right-wing debating standards such as “LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT” (lol, What happen to the CONTENT?)
FRONTLINE (PBS) is what I consider one of the last bastions of responsible investigative journalism. And so after a month of PBS pledge drive motivational speaker shitty programming.. FRONTLINE returned with 2 hours of just what I needed to know about the economy. First an updated version of “Inside the Meltdown”, then the extremely enlightening “Ten Trillion and Counting”. I can’t imagine what else the American PEOPLE would be watching in these dire times.
Here’s the Frontline breakdown/summery of the Bush/Cheney economic policy. “…borrowed from China/Saudi Arabia so richest members of society could have tax cuts leaving the debt/bill to our children…”
Now put THAT with job loses, 2 wars, failing infrastructure, failing education system, failing healthcare system, terrorist threats and Dick Cheney covert operations. I’m sure there’s something I left out but I’m already overwhelmed just sitting here thinking about IT. I CAN’T IMAGINE WHAT PRESIDENT OBAMA IS GOING THROUGH! The only thing I’m really sure of is NO matter what Obama does it CAN’T BE ANY WORSE THAN Bush…
It’s time for sacrifices, hard choices and fiscal responsibility. The kind of pain and suffering experienced by our troops and their families who were asked to carry the load. While these heroic men and women were overseas fighting terrorism, back on the home front Americans didn’t sacrifice a thing, not even paying for the war. The great American scrubs so fiscally irresponsible they think not paying taxes but passing on the cost to our children, is the RIGHT THING?
I’d go so far as calling it treasonous, that SO MANY participated in the reckless economics. If the Americans of WWII are know as “The Greatest Generation” then during the last 8 years are definitely among the WORST!
Elected officials doing all they can to look good but achieving the exact opposite. Frontline reminded me of the first few years of the Bush/Cheney administration. Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neil begged Bush to limit the tax cuts, ESPECIALLY IF HE WAS GOING INTO WAR! Instead of listening to the experts George W. decided “I’m not going down like my Daddy, hee hee, READ MY LIPS…”. O’Neil was fired and the Worst Generation started on it’s way to destroying America. NO ETHICS, NO RESPONSIBILITY, NO ACCOUNTABILITY!
They’ll use all the dirty tricks and tools the base has to offer. Like GOD’s War Monger Pastor Hagee ORGANIZING the ignorant, delusional flock…
LISTEN to the Limbaugh’s of the nation criticizing Obama… Like I said before, NO ALTERNATE PLAN just whining and complaining. These Conservative morons have no idea they’re going against the same economic principles used by their own leaders.
George W. Bush, who was the first president in 30 years to inherit a budget surplus, spent the nations wealth like a crack Ho with a credit card. Who benefited from this policy? The oil companies, the war profiteers, the Corporate Crime Wave and the prescription drug companies. How else does one explain Medicare Part D? Estimates of this disastrous legislation costing the American taxpayer 8 trillion! I didn’t hear the Limbaugh’s complaining during the first 5 years of Bush/Cheney while the President NEVER vetoed a spending bill…
Reagan had the largest tax increase since the Great Depression. Growing deficits of the 80’s forced Reagan to raise taxes. Military spending on a scale not known in human history while reducing the per citizen revenue TRICKLING down to local governments. And WHAT did your “Heritage god” Ronald Wilson Reagan DO to address TERRORISM? Well, after 200 Marines were blown off the face of the planet… Reagan (I think right-wing fanatics call it) “CUT AND RUN!”
AND George Herbert Walker Bush? Even though he told Americans “Read my lips, no new taxes”… The REALITY of budget deficits caused tax increases. But ohhhh NO! Not his son… George W. Bush choose politics instead of sound economic principles. Like his buddies at Wall St. and K-St, prized short term gains VS. long term prosperity.
So the Limbaugh’s of the nation NEED TO SHUT THE #*~/ UP and give Obama/Biden a break for at least 2 years. I figure it will take THAT long just to unravel the domestic and foreign policy DISASTERS Bush/Cheney left for the new administration.
NOTE: (Congress needs to come back to reality, DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS! Thank GOD for the Progressives…
Michael Savage is on the radio taking about police shootings in Oakland, saying the government should put the military on the streets to gun down drug dealers. I’M DISTURBED President Obama is falling into the Drug War trap… A miserable, mind-numbing, never-ending, EXPENSIVE failure that led to a wave of corruption that will plague our grand children. If I worked as a narc or for the DEA I'd be ashamed to admit it.
REALITY NOW! The first drug law was PASSED IN 1914 (Harrison Narcotics Tax Act) by Woodrow Wilson... Has the problem been solved YET? With productivity like that in the private sector and we’d still be driving Model T’s, shoveling coal and hauling blocks of ice. (lol)
Now here’s another way to look at that problem… Legalize Drugs! TAX THE #*~/ OUT OF IT! ~uckit! If stupid motherfuckers want to spend their precious lives doing hard drugs then, ~uckem and everyone that looks like them! They’d be smoking potato peels if there was nothing else, so why expend precious wealth toward a hopeless cause? THIN THE HERD, baby!
The US Treasury can’t save EVERYBODY! Get rid of the narc squads, the DEA and the Drug Czar. How much does THAT save? It a SERIOUS MISALLOCATION OF RESOURCES. Just think about a realistic and sound policy toward drug use. Think of the possibilities…
Rich tourists would come to our country to sit in our marijuana/hashish cafĂ©’s. Crack heads/speed freaks/heroin addicts wouldn’t be out jacking people for their daily fix. NONONOno! It would be regulated, moderated and monetized for ALL the people… NOT JUST THE DRUG TRAFFICERS!
I’M NOT JOKING HERE! After getting all the facts from Frontline, WE’RE FUCKED! Unless a miracle from the lord god almighty or some ingenious technology innovation saves our ass. I’m sick of these outrageous government deficits, anyways…
We’re going to have to cut back on ALL NONESSENTIAL government services and it shouldn’t be at the expense of the sick, disabled and poor. They’re NOT the ones who got us in this economic nightmare. I think civil servants who retire at 50 on full pension while working another job ARE A BIGGER PROBLEM!
TORTURE the Wall St. K-St. criminals who ruined our economy until they tell us where they hid all the billions of dollars. Thanks to the Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay Congress of the 90’s who legislated everything the GREED stricken scumbags needed to ruin our economy. Like the Expatriate Clause they hid in Clinton Family Leave Bill that allowed BILLIONS to be taken out of the country, PENALTY FREE!
Torture was good enough for the degenerate Muslim fanatics under the National Security banner. The economy is going to hurt us more than any terror attack, so I think it’s our duty to get our children’s money back from the vain, self-serving, power mad, greed stricken, silver spoon American Psychos that put profit before patriotism, politics before economics, short term gains VS. long term prosperity…
NEXT - Exorcism of the Pentagon. (Read “Armies of the Night” by Norman Mailer and “Soon to be a Major Motion Picture” by Abbie Hoffman. About how the police state came down on those that tried to cast the evil out of the Pentagon. The most powerful, expensive military entity in the history of the human race) Talk about scaring Conservatives
Am I joking? Ahhhhh… GOD BLESS AMERICA! If anyone wants to see a Conservative loose it, walk up to one and say: In the name of the Almighty GOD, JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT… Satan be gone! (lol) SAY IT AGAIN! Repeat after m…
NEWS UPDATE: 3-30-09
Michael Savage announces there is NO MORE GOLD in Fort Knox.
ABC News reports those stuffy Brit's are protecting former AIG scumbag Joe Cassano... The man many experts are blaming for bringing down AIG and the US economy. He walked away with 300 MILLION?
...ok, is anyone angry yet?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I’m the Picasso of getting PEOPLE pissed off. It’s NOT mean to be mean and nasty, I use this talent as a TOOL. As far as political organizers are concerned… ANGER is one of the best ways to gather a crowd. It’s also a great way to judge the character of those who are gathering. There’s no lying while one is angry , the truth will be all over one’s body language. AND (more often than not)THE STUFF I COME UP WITH IS A REAL ADRENALINE JERKER. If people don’t get angry after a few meetings with me than they’re either a trained law enforcement agent or one of those silly bastards that are all hung up on non-confrontational protesting. Like THAT wore-out strategy worked so #*~/’n well the last few decades. After the MADNESS of Bush/Cheney… I consider this the cowards way out.
Snap out of IT Liberals! You people need to get back to “check and balances” and “eternal vigilance”. While you morons were giving RESPONSE TRAINING before any protest event, teaching the ANGRY MASSES ABOUT THE SINS OF PROVOCATION and ACTUALLY FIGHTING BACK! Bush/Cheney and all their vain, greed stricken, power mad, war profiteering CRONIES… pulled down your pants and #*~/ed YOU (and your children) RIGHT IN THE @$$! (maybe cowards like that sort of thing) AND YOU DID VERY LITTLE TO STOP IT! …besides talk
NOTE: (I’m directing this at stuck in the 60‘s “beer hippies” and especially the Hip Hop generation, all you rhymer’s are ALL TALK… or should I say RAP… “FIGHT THE POWER“ my skinny Italian-American @$$! #*~/‘n bling bling dogg, FlavorFlav, copycat, m‘#*~/r‘s)
No while all you silly, stupid, self-absorbed, victimized, apathetic, celebrity worshipping COWARDS were being side tracked and misdirected… FREEDOM BECAME A DELICATE CONCEPT! Don’t you people want to preserve all that about LIFE, LIBERTY, HAPPINESS, EQUAL RIGHTS and JUSTICE? If not the AMERICAN PEOPLE than WHO? ARE YOU CONCERNED CITIZENS or nothing better than a frightened consumer?
Ohhhhh #*~/ NO! I realized a LONG TIME AGO to get in people’s face and then in their head. YOU won’t forget ME after a few meetings.
In 1999-2004 I walked the police lines many times at major protest marches/rallies. I’d teach the young people the SIGNS as we walked past the riot gear clad officers. Some Cops had concern or fear in their eyes but there’s always one willing to cross the thin blue line. Ohhhh yea, there he is, look at his grip on the billy club, the white knuckles, veins popping in his neck and forehead. That’s where I’d stop face to face…
“I know what you thinking officer, if only the news cameras weren’t here… you’d crack my head open, right?” I’d take it almost to the limit and keep making my talking points until I could almost feel the cross-hairs of the police sniper on the roof top across the street.
The fascist m’#*~/’s might hate the shit out of me but they’ll NEVER forget what I say. So next time they had a decision to abuse their power or pull their gun there’d be that split second of ACCOUNTABILITY on the mind. Law enforcement agents NEED this kind of sensitivity training and conscious enlightenment. They need to realize that the true criminals in our society have been getting police/secret service protection.
c2009 by FGE
Honestly, what the nation NEEDS to heal, is investigations into WHY so many well-paid workers in the SEC, FCC, rating agencies, government officials, news media during the Bush/Cheney era, MISSED the SIGNS of the economic meltdown. Was all the waste, fraud, abuse, scandal, corruption, etc. an organized effort to scam the honest, hardworking, patriotic citizens who put their faith in the system? (CNBC among the other news outlets really dropped the ball, huh)
THE AMERICAN PEOPLE demand accountability and EQUAL JUSTICE! Why is it elected officials, public sector workers and the well-connected, rich and powerful GET AWAY WITH THE KIND OF CRIMES THAT WOULD HAVE US IN THE MIDDLE CLASS PRIVATE SECTOR FIRED AND PROSECUTED?
WHAT ABOUT protections for Whistle Blowers? WHAT THE #*~/ HAPPENED TO THAT? True leaders would EMBRACE those with the courage to do what’s RIGHT. I mean, if it’s TRUE all that I hear about rebuilding the “foundations”, RIGHT? ( (Media Matters) Getting individuals the American PEOPLE can TRUST seems to be a good place to start…
Also recovery of stolen assets from the Bernie Madoff’s/Allen Stanford’s scumbag, silver spoon, con men types MUST be taken into account. That’s WHAT, 60-70 BILLION DOLLARS on the line from Madoff/Stanford alone? And the government is bragging about recovering approximately ONE BILLION? (The Public Sector sets such LOW STANDARDS for themselves, don’t they?) What about all the missing BILLIONS in Iraq? AND WHAT OFF-SHORE ACCOUNTS the loveless, sons a bitches hid the money in…
I think President Obama is making a HUGE mistake ignoring the DEMANDS for Accountability the American PEOPLE are voicing over the economic meltdown AND criminal domestic/foreign policy DISASTERS perpetrated by the Bush/Cheney administration. The Congress, Justice Dept. and mainstream News media need to START investigations into the Who, What, When, Where and HOW all this waste, fraud, abuse, scandal, corruption and VIOLATIONS of the Constitution was allowed to happen.
Very rarely is a Con man alone, not the good ones anyway. For every Dick Cheney, Bernie Madoff, Allen Sanford, etc... there’s got to be at least a dozen people below them either IN on the con (family members, accountants, sex partners) or NOT DOING THEIR JOBS in government (law enforcement, regulation, oversight) Add to the mix a news media that’s bought and paid for. I’m not afraid to say the last 8 years have been the greatest rip-off scam in the history of the human race. The sums, scope and dimension is beyond even my imagination and will take years to completely understand. THE PENALTIES and PUNISHMENT should be as extreme as the crimes …so this kind of thing NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!
(...anything LESS is the policy of cowards! you #*~/'n pussies)
Really, WHERE the #*~/ is a Ferdinand Pecora or Frank Church when WE NEED THEM? Maybe all you silver spoon, aristocrats missed IT, but there’s A LOT OF ANGRY PEOPLE OUT THERE! I travel across this great nation in my role as activist organizer. I hear from the AVERAGE AMERICAN and a good representation of the 40 MILLION Concerned Citizens struggling below the poverty level and THEY ARE PISSED OFF AND READY TO ACT! More than once I’ve heard talk of retaliation if the government doesn’t take care of the problems. GOD help the USA if Obama/Biden fails because there’s a lot of insurrection on the horizon and it won’t be pretty.
NOTE: (Maybe all you geniuses who live in the Ivory Towers, might want to hire me as a consultant, I can provide the type of PROTECTION and Plan B strategies your Spin Doctors/attorneys don’t understand. Believe me, THE TIME IS NOW! Just remember law enforcement and the military won’t help you from what’s coming, if the PEOPLE don’t get EQUAL JUSTICE and ACCOUNTABILITY! I always give the example of 1992 Rodney King verdict riots in So. Cal. Ask Reginald Denny where law enforcement was while he was getting his head crushed on Florence and Normandy… about 15 blocks away in a donut shop watching it on TV, lol)
Here in NM, so-called Representatives of the PEOPLE such as Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson were dishing out their “8 million jobs” “Growing economy will pay for War in Iraq” BULLSHIT… just a few weeks before the economic crisis came to light
AUTHOR'S NOTE: CHANGE! That’s what I was promised but I’m not feeling the change in the economic policy. During the election it was all bottom up, bottom up… but as far as I can tell it all been TOP DOWN! The same old timey Conservative trickle down theory that has destroyed the Middle class. Obama handing out billions to the Hedge and private equity funds isn’t making the 40 million American people that exist below the poverty level very happy. It’s like Obama is institutionalizing the “too big to fail” Corporate state. Rewarding private investors while putting the taxpayer at great risk. To re-create the Corporate institutions that got us in trouble in the first place. I may be wrong but Wall St. should NOT be the standard by which our economy is judged. Stock Market goes up… GREAT, but what does THAT say while the jobless numbers are staggering?
I wrote all my so-called representatives in government when Bush/Paulson started this whole bailout nightmare and told them I’d rather sleep in a cardboard box than let Bush reckless economic policy rule for the next 10 years. This isn’t what I volunteered most of my free time in 2007-08 to get Democrats elected for. So Obama could turn into ANOTHER Beaugeois black person who got to the top and then forgot WHY...
Yea, get all giddy about visiting that rich &^><~ the Queen, she's a HO! Just like all those other elitist Royal pain in the @$ Brit’s that have done terrible things to the planet like... ANYWAYS, I’m not feeling all Obama said about BOTTOM UP, right now. Not while watching all this pitiful news coverage of Barack and Michele meet the Queen, THEY EVEN TOUCH THE QUEEN! (#*~/ you too @$$^*/{‘s) WHAT'S NEXT? Obama kissing the right shoulder of some Saudi Royal… What is IT with Black people and Royalty? They’ve turned into such celebrity worshipers, every one from Tupac to #*~/n Prince Philip, kiss the master’s royal robe.
What? I’m NOT GETTING IT woman… WHY the fuck is this TV bull$#!~ so important to you? AND WHY ARE YOU WASTING MY TIME WITH IT? Blow me! It’s a phenomenon not unlike inmates in jail for SO LONG, that when the guards play the FOX TV show COPS constantly… the prisoners start cheering for the cops??? It's sad to watch...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: (Ohhhh, get over it and don't even start about me being a racist... that's bullshit and Don Rickles will tell you the same thing...) #*~/'N STIFFS, you @~'s got money... why don't you get someone to buy you A SENSE OF HUMOR!)
Note: Michael Savage is on the radio talking about Obama’s MOTHER! lol…
(yea, I’m crazy)
...people united, we’ll never be divided. Bullshit!
ok now that I got that RAGE out of me, let's move on
Post Bush/Cheney/Paulson Manifesto
(declaration of Principles, policies and objectives for 2009-11)
Republicans owe Obama/Biden 2 years free from conflict because it will take at least that long to sort out the MESS Bush/Cheney and Congress left for them. It’s a disaster much worse than anyone imagined. My adversary’s can dispute my argument but they can’t put down my sources of information. Especially while most Conservatives are reverting back to the old timey Right-wing debating standards such as “LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT” (lol, What happen to the CONTENT?)
FRONTLINE (PBS) is what I consider one of the last bastions of responsible investigative journalism. And so after a month of PBS pledge drive motivational speaker shitty programming.. FRONTLINE returned with 2 hours of just what I needed to know about the economy. First an updated version of “Inside the Meltdown”, then the extremely enlightening “Ten Trillion and Counting”. I can’t imagine what else the American PEOPLE would be watching in these dire times.
Here’s the Frontline breakdown/summery of the Bush/Cheney economic policy. “…borrowed from China/Saudi Arabia so richest members of society could have tax cuts leaving the debt/bill to our children…”
Now put THAT with job loses, 2 wars, failing infrastructure, failing education system, failing healthcare system, terrorist threats and Dick Cheney covert operations. I’m sure there’s something I left out but I’m already overwhelmed just sitting here thinking about IT. I CAN’T IMAGINE WHAT PRESIDENT OBAMA IS GOING THROUGH! The only thing I’m really sure of is NO matter what Obama does it CAN’T BE ANY WORSE THAN Bush…
It’s time for sacrifices, hard choices and fiscal responsibility. The kind of pain and suffering experienced by our troops and their families who were asked to carry the load. While these heroic men and women were overseas fighting terrorism, back on the home front Americans didn’t sacrifice a thing, not even paying for the war. The great American scrubs so fiscally irresponsible they think not paying taxes but passing on the cost to our children, is the RIGHT THING?
I’d go so far as calling it treasonous, that SO MANY participated in the reckless economics. If the Americans of WWII are know as “The Greatest Generation” then during the last 8 years are definitely among the WORST!
Elected officials doing all they can to look good but achieving the exact opposite. Frontline reminded me of the first few years of the Bush/Cheney administration. Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neil begged Bush to limit the tax cuts, ESPECIALLY IF HE WAS GOING INTO WAR! Instead of listening to the experts George W. decided “I’m not going down like my Daddy, hee hee, READ MY LIPS…”. O’Neil was fired and the Worst Generation started on it’s way to destroying America. NO ETHICS, NO RESPONSIBILITY, NO ACCOUNTABILITY!
For anyone who doesn’t think PURE party politics isn’t the main driver for Conservatives I give you this. While President Obama was speaking to the American PEOPLE on Tuesday night, (3-24-09) Republicans were busy raising 6 million dollars for the next election war fund. I DEMAND the list of contributors that could raise THAT HUGE AMOUNT OF MONEY in so short a time. These are the individuals who need to be WATCHED! The Republican Party Conservatives wacko’s and right-wing fanatics weren’t listening, don’t have an alternative plan and will do everything in their waning power to make sure Obama fails. They’ll use all the dirty tricks and tools the base has to offer. Like GOD’s War Monger Pastor Hagee ORGANIZING the ignorant, delusional flock…
LISTEN to the Limbaugh’s of the nation criticizing Obama… Like I said before, NO ALTERNATE PLAN just whining and complaining. These Conservative morons have no idea they’re going against the same economic principles used by their own leaders.
George W. Bush, who was the first president in 30 years to inherit a budget surplus, spent the nations wealth like a crack Ho with a credit card. Who benefited from this policy? The oil companies, the war profiteers, the Corporate Crime Wave and the prescription drug companies. How else does one explain Medicare Part D? Estimates of this disastrous legislation costing the American taxpayer 8 trillion! I didn’t hear the Limbaugh’s complaining during the first 5 years of Bush/Cheney while the President NEVER vetoed a spending bill…
Reagan had the largest tax increase since the Great Depression. Growing deficits of the 80’s forced Reagan to raise taxes. Military spending on a scale not known in human history while reducing the per citizen revenue TRICKLING down to local governments. And WHAT did your “Heritage god” Ronald Wilson Reagan DO to address TERRORISM? Well, after 200 Marines were blown off the face of the planet… Reagan (I think right-wing fanatics call it) “CUT AND RUN!”
AND George Herbert Walker Bush? Even though he told Americans “Read my lips, no new taxes”… The REALITY of budget deficits caused tax increases. But ohhhh NO! Not his son… George W. Bush choose politics instead of sound economic principles. Like his buddies at Wall St. and K-St, prized short term gains VS. long term prosperity.
So the Limbaugh’s of the nation NEED TO SHUT THE #*~/ UP and give Obama/Biden a break for at least 2 years. I figure it will take THAT long just to unravel the domestic and foreign policy DISASTERS Bush/Cheney left for the new administration.
NOTE: (Congress needs to come back to reality, DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS! Thank GOD for the Progressives…
Michael Savage is on the radio taking about police shootings in Oakland, saying the government should put the military on the streets to gun down drug dealers. I’M DISTURBED President Obama is falling into the Drug War trap… A miserable, mind-numbing, never-ending, EXPENSIVE failure that led to a wave of corruption that will plague our grand children. If I worked as a narc or for the DEA I'd be ashamed to admit it.
REALITY NOW! The first drug law was PASSED IN 1914 (Harrison Narcotics Tax Act) by Woodrow Wilson... Has the problem been solved YET? With productivity like that in the private sector and we’d still be driving Model T’s, shoveling coal and hauling blocks of ice. (lol)
Now here’s another way to look at that problem… Legalize Drugs! TAX THE #*~/ OUT OF IT! ~uckit! If stupid motherfuckers want to spend their precious lives doing hard drugs then, ~uckem and everyone that looks like them! They’d be smoking potato peels if there was nothing else, so why expend precious wealth toward a hopeless cause? THIN THE HERD, baby!
The US Treasury can’t save EVERYBODY! Get rid of the narc squads, the DEA and the Drug Czar. How much does THAT save? It a SERIOUS MISALLOCATION OF RESOURCES. Just think about a realistic and sound policy toward drug use. Think of the possibilities…
Rich tourists would come to our country to sit in our marijuana/hashish cafĂ©’s. Crack heads/speed freaks/heroin addicts wouldn’t be out jacking people for their daily fix. NONONOno! It would be regulated, moderated and monetized for ALL the people… NOT JUST THE DRUG TRAFFICERS!
I’M NOT JOKING HERE! After getting all the facts from Frontline, WE’RE FUCKED! Unless a miracle from the lord god almighty or some ingenious technology innovation saves our ass. I’m sick of these outrageous government deficits, anyways…
We’re going to have to cut back on ALL NONESSENTIAL government services and it shouldn’t be at the expense of the sick, disabled and poor. They’re NOT the ones who got us in this economic nightmare. I think civil servants who retire at 50 on full pension while working another job ARE A BIGGER PROBLEM!
TORTURE the Wall St. K-St. criminals who ruined our economy until they tell us where they hid all the billions of dollars. Thanks to the Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay Congress of the 90’s who legislated everything the GREED stricken scumbags needed to ruin our economy. Like the Expatriate Clause they hid in Clinton Family Leave Bill that allowed BILLIONS to be taken out of the country, PENALTY FREE!
Torture was good enough for the degenerate Muslim fanatics under the National Security banner. The economy is going to hurt us more than any terror attack, so I think it’s our duty to get our children’s money back from the vain, self-serving, power mad, greed stricken, silver spoon American Psychos that put profit before patriotism, politics before economics, short term gains VS. long term prosperity…
NEXT - Exorcism of the Pentagon. (Read “Armies of the Night” by Norman Mailer and “Soon to be a Major Motion Picture” by Abbie Hoffman. About how the police state came down on those that tried to cast the evil out of the Pentagon. The most powerful, expensive military entity in the history of the human race) Talk about scaring Conservatives
Am I joking? Ahhhhh… GOD BLESS AMERICA! If anyone wants to see a Conservative loose it, walk up to one and say: In the name of the Almighty GOD, JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT… Satan be gone! (lol) SAY IT AGAIN! Repeat after m…
NEWS UPDATE: 3-30-09
Michael Savage announces there is NO MORE GOLD in Fort Knox.
ABC News reports those stuffy Brit's are protecting former AIG scumbag Joe Cassano... The man many experts are blaming for bringing down AIG and the US economy. He walked away with 300 MILLION?
...ok, is anyone angry yet?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I’m the Picasso of getting PEOPLE pissed off. It’s NOT mean to be mean and nasty, I use this talent as a TOOL. As far as political organizers are concerned… ANGER is one of the best ways to gather a crowd. It’s also a great way to judge the character of those who are gathering. There’s no lying while one is angry , the truth will be all over one’s body language. AND (more often than not)THE STUFF I COME UP WITH IS A REAL ADRENALINE JERKER. If people don’t get angry after a few meetings with me than they’re either a trained law enforcement agent or one of those silly bastards that are all hung up on non-confrontational protesting. Like THAT wore-out strategy worked so #*~/’n well the last few decades. After the MADNESS of Bush/Cheney… I consider this the cowards way out.
Snap out of IT Liberals! You people need to get back to “check and balances” and “eternal vigilance”. While you morons were giving RESPONSE TRAINING before any protest event, teaching the ANGRY MASSES ABOUT THE SINS OF PROVOCATION and ACTUALLY FIGHTING BACK! Bush/Cheney and all their vain, greed stricken, power mad, war profiteering CRONIES… pulled down your pants and #*~/ed YOU (and your children) RIGHT IN THE @$$! (maybe cowards like that sort of thing) AND YOU DID VERY LITTLE TO STOP IT! …besides talk
NOTE: (I’m directing this at stuck in the 60‘s “beer hippies” and especially the Hip Hop generation, all you rhymer’s are ALL TALK… or should I say RAP… “FIGHT THE POWER“ my skinny Italian-American @$$! #*~/‘n bling bling dogg, FlavorFlav, copycat, m‘#*~/r‘s)
No while all you silly, stupid, self-absorbed, victimized, apathetic, celebrity worshipping COWARDS were being side tracked and misdirected… FREEDOM BECAME A DELICATE CONCEPT! Don’t you people want to preserve all that about LIFE, LIBERTY, HAPPINESS, EQUAL RIGHTS and JUSTICE? If not the AMERICAN PEOPLE than WHO? ARE YOU CONCERNED CITIZENS or nothing better than a frightened consumer?
Ohhhhh #*~/ NO! I realized a LONG TIME AGO to get in people’s face and then in their head. YOU won’t forget ME after a few meetings.
In 1999-2004 I walked the police lines many times at major protest marches/rallies. I’d teach the young people the SIGNS as we walked past the riot gear clad officers. Some Cops had concern or fear in their eyes but there’s always one willing to cross the thin blue line. Ohhhh yea, there he is, look at his grip on the billy club, the white knuckles, veins popping in his neck and forehead. That’s where I’d stop face to face…
“I know what you thinking officer, if only the news cameras weren’t here… you’d crack my head open, right?” I’d take it almost to the limit and keep making my talking points until I could almost feel the cross-hairs of the police sniper on the roof top across the street.
The fascist m’#*~/’s might hate the shit out of me but they’ll NEVER forget what I say. So next time they had a decision to abuse their power or pull their gun there’d be that split second of ACCOUNTABILITY on the mind. Law enforcement agents NEED this kind of sensitivity training and conscious enlightenment. They need to realize that the true criminals in our society have been getting police/secret service protection.
c2009 by FGE
1 comment:
LAW enforcement agents/national guard need to get out of the way when the PEOPLE gather to DEMAND ETHICS, RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY! If you choose to beat down, gas and shoot those defending the Constitution then YOU’LL BECOME TARGETS TOO! We’ve been collecting names and addresses, we know where you mother’s live and where you’re children go to school SO TAKE A DEEP BREATH, STEP BACK AND LET THE PEOPLE TAKE BACK THEIR POWER! Remember… “of, by and for the PEOPLE”?
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