Monday, March 9, 2009

America sure isn't what it used to be...

Note: I’m thinking of using this title for my new book. What do you think?


IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY… or at least a nice prize package, RIGHT? I’m here to tell, all you Republicans NEED to take a step back and rethink your strategies because you’re making things harder than it should be. It’s not that the stock market goes down every time Obama makes a speech, NO! The real problem is the way every Conservative wacko and right-wing fanatic goes into a darn hussy fit about anything they can think of to tear down what Obama is doing. (including NOT investing in the USA or the stock market)

Of course I’m wishing here, but when Shaun Hannity gets into one of his screaming, cry baby rants it looks likes he’s gonna have a heart attack. Hey, all you Hannity groupies/Heritage Foundation members… have you ever heard of Reagan/Bush economic strategy called “Starve the Beast?” Well, that’s what Bush/Cheney and their band of vain, special interest, greed stricken, power mad cronies DID when it became apparent that Democrats would win BIGTIME in 2008. Someone PLEASE, tell me what is so GREAT AMERICAN patriotic about THAT?


12/1/2000 - Leaked CIA document Case# F-2001-00009:
International Crime Threat Assessment” defines “Kleptocracy,
…rather than serve PUBLIC INTEREST, top leaders use nations resources solely to enrich themselves and their cronies. To cover up crimes the stage is set for social and political upheavals…

Sound familiar America? The CIA will never admit they included USA “top leaders” in that report. I say anyone with half a brain already realizes something is just NOT RIGHT! One news story after another about waste, fraud, abuse, scandal, incompetence, corruption, etc. due to the LOW GRADE THOUGHT PROCESSES of our top leaders.

Am I mistaken, isn’t the job of our top leaders to protect the PEOPLE from “upheavals”? The problem here is NOT ENOUGH American PEOPLE had the COURAGE to DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY from those in power. Elected officials and public sector officers in general get away with the same things those of us in the private sector would be fired and prosecuted for. There’s NO incentive to be VIRTUOUS.

Please someone tell me why anyone would consider listening to the Republicans or Limbaugh or ANY Conservative when it comes to the failing economy. These stiffs have no clue what to do about fixing the economy they‘ve messed it up time and time again. Recession of 82, late 80’s early 90’s. All the banking and Wall St. scandals under any Bush Presidency. The BIGGEST thing Democrats messed up on was voting for that Bush/Paulson bailout bill that got this whole stimulus nightmare started.

I don’t know what else to say. No matter WHO is in charge of the Republicans, Rush Limbaugh or Michael Steel, Americans are going to get the same old, stale low grade thought processes of the last 28 years. These men have no shame. the audacity it takes to criticize EVERYTHING Obama is doing, not even having the decency to wait for the first 100 days.

Let me get this straight now, the right-wing fanatics think any sort of change from the policies of the past is wrong. They want me to believe that if we just give unregulated free market capitalism one more chance it will work. A system that’s based on trusting the same Wall St./K-St./banking institutions whole spent the last 8 years screwing over the American PEOPLE.

Republicans dish out the propaganda thinking that President Obama is causing the problems or it’s the result of something Clinton did 12 years ago. Of course the time in between was nothing but Bush/Cheney bliss right? Oh NO, I CAN’T BLAME George W., OH NO, NOT the Republican Congress 12 of the last 14 years, no I can’t do that. And it’s the fault of Democrats in Congress the last 2 years and the Messiah Obama, RIGHT?

Yea… leaders, Michael Steel, Bobby Jindal, Rush Limbaugh or that 14 year old silver spoon twit Jonathan Crone... HA! Good luck losers.

Aired 3-4-09 Jim Villanucci Show KKOB am 770
Now why would any self respecting Democrat want to sit down in Limbaugh’s LOSER house? The time for debate has passed. Republicans have NO legitimate argument or creditability since NO ONE on the Right has the courage to stand up and take responsibility for the last 8 years. Limbaugh and all you knuckle heads… I mean ditto heads are the reasons why a moron like George W. Bush could actually get elected not once but TWO TIMES. Now that Republicans realize just how bad Bush/Cheney really were everyone jumping that ship like it was the Titanic. I heard Rush the other day spend a half hour distancing himself from Bush/Cheney. REALLY?

(You right-wing fanatics are pathetic in your pitiful hypocrisy)

ESPECIALLY since Republicans decided to chuck the demands for ethics, responsibility, accountability and play the blame, finger pointing game instead. Obama this, Obama that, it didn’t take more than 20 minutes after Obama was sworn in before Limbaugh started his tirade against him.

AND ANOTHER THING blaming this failing economy on Obama is the most obscene thing I’ve ever heard, even worse than saying the FUCK word on a radio station or printing it in a publication. WHAT? …you want me to believe all of the sudden Conservatives are responsible economists or take ANYTHING you people say seriously? Not very
(Villanucci hung up on me while I was still speaking) likely. No wonder for the first time Independents out number Republicans….”

*…40 million Americans struggling below the poverty level AND another extravagant party in Washington, DC for the #*~/’n aristocrats and bureaucrats and well-connected...

It breaks my heart when I go to California or back East and see all my union brothers and sisters begging for work. Ohhh, the NEW “Robber barons” and “Economic Royalists” of the Republican Party really stuck it to the American worker. All the EXPATRIATE CLAUSES and TAX BREAKS that made it EASY for jobs and wealth to be OFF-SHORED! During the 90’s the Gingrich/Delay Republicans even INSURED THE VENTURE CAPITAL OF CORPORATIONS THAT MOVED TO ASIA.

And WHAT did the right-wing get for it’s hatred of Union quality and craftsmanship? Lead based toys, toxic toothpaste, soldiers getting electrocuted in showers, economic crisis and POISONED PET FOOD… Can you HEAR me Q? PET FOOD! (Q - she loves animals)

All the times I’ve heard that fat, disgusting m’#*~/’r Limbaugh put down Unions and equate anyone who DEMANDS a decent living wage to communism. (watch the movie the “Grapes of Wrath” Henry Fonda version)

Of course Conservatives have the Constitutional Right to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Shaun Hannity… BUT WHY THE #*~/ would any reasonable, rational person WHAT TO? Here’s a man who’s been so consistently WRONG with most everything he propagates… JEEZ, you people might as well listen to William Kristol of FOX news.

Oh, for GOD sake, let’s not forget the right-wing Christians who can’t wait for the “Left Behind” fiction book series to come true. Dancing with joy in their churches, praying, if only we can give enough wealth and power to the Neo-Con’s maybe they can hurry along Armageddon, RIGHT? …HATE the gays and communists. AMEN!

Abortion? Let me tell you something about this issue. 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush Sr., a Republican Congress during the Clinton Presidency, 8 years of Bush Jr., AND HOW MANY Supreme Court appointments? The only thing that’s true about the abortion issue is that Republican candidates can’t WIN AN ELECTION WITHOUT IT!

What the fuck do we pay you people for? I SAY #*~/ it… NO TO THE BAILOUT, let the greedy motherfuckers sink with a stone. The Corporate Aristocratic m#*~/r’s will only use the money to screw up the Obama Presidency. (just like they did to Jimmy Carter) I’d rather live in a cardboard box than let the Bush Administration DICTATE our economic policy for the next 10 years. That’s WHAT is going to happen if this bailout shit keeps happening.

I WARNED you people about the economy… I conducted an email writing campaign of epic proportions to our so-called representatives in government and the media (both mainstream and alternative media outlets) I blogged and wrote on government and cable news message boards, submitted articles to publishers that were PLAGIARIZED! I CALLED talk radio stations and cable access TV shows… but everyone was too involved with their ISSUES to take notice.

On the Right they were scattering like rats to separate themselves from Bush/Cheney. Democrats were STUCK in their Obama/Limbaugh soap opera. And the 3rd Party? Well I don’t know WHAT the #*~/ they were thinking. Harping on their very own SPECIAL PROJECTS like the Palestine issue and convincing young people (IT’S A GOOD IDEA) to go support the Palestinian cause by standing in front of Israeli bulldozers… JEEZ! (What a waste) Like we don’t have ENOUGH problems here on home soil TO FIGHT FOR! FOCUS… people, FOCUS!

All the spokespersons, pundits, experts, journalists and government officials I presented LEGITIMATE information to over the years with NO response except PLAGIARISM and encouraging letters from Howard Zinn and Larry Flynt (lol). 9 YEARS ago I warned the American PEOPLE and the example I used is as relevant TODAY as it was in 1999. I did a reprint last year on my blog “THE BEST DAMN POLITICAL STRATEGIST” (spoact/

I always use the example from newspapers on the date 4/16/99. Government, media and big business at it’s worst. Look at the headline: “Congress wraps up work on $1.74 trillion budget”. They should put more emphasis on that word trillion, maybe Trillion, no, no TRILLION! Oh look, the public servants are eager show they’re efficiently working for the best interests of the PEOPLE… So they can waste our hard earned tax dollars later.

What did YOU get for your money that year? Sex, Lewinski, sex, morality? Perverts like Ken Starr, Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, Mark Foley, etc.. masturbating to Monica’s testimony. My GOD, we might as well have elected circus animals to lead the nation. At least that way the American PEOPLE can go to the ZOO and watch them fornicate, cohabit, copulate, debauch, couple, fraternize, brawl and lick each other.

What was Corporate/Financial America busy with at that time? Back to the newspaper, 4/16/99 article titled: “Mattel to layoff 3,000 workers. WALL STREET CHEERED the news of restructuring, sending Mattel’s stock up nearly 16 percent…” WHAT? We all know how IT turned out now that our children have all the latest LEAD based toys from China. (and poisoned dog food, toothpaste, baby formula, etc. Republican legislation during the 90’s made it EASY for corporations to leave the USA for the greener fields of Asian slave labor)

Questions one must ask: How did Wall Street become the enemy of the American working class? What did Reagan/Bush, special interests and the 90’s Congress legislate to make it easy for Corporations to move jobs, wealth and resources out of the country? Would the police of the time blame 3000 Mattel workers for being VERY angry and RIOT? Because that news article was about as “in your face” as it gets…

The reason why I bring police into the picture is because law enforcement UNIONS and associations have become some of the most powerful, wealthy entities on the American political scene. I can’t help but remember how many times in US history POLICE harassed, abused, beat, gassed and shot those who supported UNION organizing efforts. Public Service UNIONS have the sort of job/pension/healthcare security those of us in the private sector can only dream about.

Note: …civil servants my skinny Italian-American @$$… just who is serving WHO?)”

C 2009 by FGE


Anonymous said...

Now that the anti-science, superstition-based initiative presidency ends, we need several public works science Manhattan projects to make us great again and boost us out of this Grotesque Depression. First we must provide free advertising-based wireless internet to everyone to end land line monopolies. Then we must criscross the land with high speed rail. Because bovine flatulence is the major source of greenhouse gases, we must develop home growable microbes to provide all of our protein. Then we must create microbes which turn our sewage and waste into fuel right at home. This will end energy monopoly by putting fuel in our hands. We must address that most illness starts from behavior, especially from parents. Since paranoid schizophrenia is the cause of racism, bigotry, homelessness, terrorism, ignorance, exploitation and criminality, we must provide put the appropriate medications, like lithium, in the water supply and require dangerous wingnuts who refuse free mental health care to be implanted with drug release devices. Churches should be licensed to reduce supersition and all clergy dealing with small children should be psychiatrically monitored to prevent molesting. Osama bin Laden and Timothy McVeigh were the ultimate superstition based initiatives. Aborting future terrorists and sterilizing their parents is the most effective homeland security. Widen navigation straits (Gibraltar, Suez, Malacca, Danube, Panama and Hellspont) with deep nukes to prevent war. In order to fund this we must nationalize the entire financial, electrical and transportation system and extinguish the silly feudal notion that each industry should be regulated by its peers. Technology mandates a transformation of tax subsidies from feudal forecloseable debt to risk sharing equity. Real estate and insurance, the engines of feudalism, must be brought under the Federal Reserve so we may replace all buildings with hazardous materials to provide public works. Insects, flooding and fire spread asbestos, lead and mold which prematurely disables the disadvantaged. Disposable manufactured housing assures children are not prematurely disabled and disadvantaged. Because feudalism is the threat to progress everywhere, we must abolish large land holdings by farmers, foresters or religions and instead make all such large landholding part of the forest service so our trees may diminish greenhouse gases. We must abolish executive pay and make sure all employees in a company are all paid equally. We must abolish this exploitative idea of trade and monopoly and make every manufactured disposable cottage self sufficient through the microbes we invent.

ranjini said...

congrats! keep up the good work/this is a great presentation.

Mold & Asbestos Service