Monday, March 23, 2009



Things are much worse than anyone realizes. Our system has failed it’s PEOPLE in so many ways I feel like I’m living in Romania under Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena (At least Romanians had the courage for a revolution to get rid of THEIR Bush/Cheney) BANG!

A big “BALL OF CONFUSION”. I think Jay Leno on the Tonight Show had the best idea of last week: “AIG and Congress should make a suicide pact”. lol, now that’s funny… and we haven’t even got to the Student Loan scandal yet.

I’d add the Supreme Court and 3 of the living former Presidents, Newt Gingrich, Tom Delay and definitely DICK CHENEY! For GOD’s sake, you don’t think the Left isn’t going to attack Dick Cheney after he tells the American PEOPLE, it wasn’t my responsibility because “STUFF HAPPENS”. Not me man, I’m going to beat it DEAD with stick until you dumb ass Conservatives start to hear. Start to realize WHAT you’re defending.

CHENEY and Neo-cons suffering from SHAMELESS delusions of grandeur… IN 2009?

Since I started listening/calling Conservative Talk Radio 10 years ago, ONE thing I’ve learned became PERFECTLY clear. You Conservatives can dish out the liberal wacko name calling, insults, jokes BUT YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WHEN IT’S DIRECTED AT YOU!

For over a decade I’ve had to hear about Rush Limbaugh and all his little ditto-head parrots insulting ME, my ideology and my belief system on a daily basis. YEA, I'm tak'n IT personal, ya @*@/$^~'s!

It was Liberal wacko this, Clinton that, Democrat the other thing! Complain and whine like a bunch of right-wing, fat ass, cigar smoking, pain killer addicted, cry babies. Those sexual degenerates Larry Craig, Ken Starr, Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, etc... with their "nasty naughty boy" morality play bullshit.

Even though it was a time of unprecedented prosperity and good times. Now that the Conservatives choice of Bush/Cheney left America in ruins and it’s time to take YOUR lumps… YOU STIFFS CAN’T TAKE IT! Bush/Cheney #*~/ed up SO BAD… the results of their reckless economic policy got most of the Republican Congress to vote for a 90%+ tax increase… The only good thing to come out of Bush/Cheney is they made rich White men look SO BAD that Barack Obama was actually elected president.

If I was investigating the failed economy, I’d start on all the WAR PROFITEERS! Prince Bandar Bush, his association with with the Bush Crime Family and former FBI officials. Then move on to good ole boy George W. and his silver spoon, butt#*~/, cheerleader buddies employed by J.P. Morgan and Lehman Bros and Bear Sterns OR maybe actions of former Treasury Sec. Paulson at Goldman Sachs... maybe even check out Phil Graham... because THAT’S where the worst of the Wall St. FRAUD happened first.

You Conservatives HATE me because the TRUTH I speak makes you look bad to the youth.

No Dick Cheney, not stuff... SHIT HAPPENS AND YOU'RE FULL OF IT! And all you Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) m'#*~/r's doing nothing but badmouthing Democrats with every sentence you make... YOUR TIME IS COMING TOO!

UPDATE: 4-5-09 Newt Gingrich is on ABC Sunday Morning now... (Tom Delay on MSNBC)

No let’s not be positive and give Obama a chance to use his worldwide popularity get things done… Noooo, that’s NOT cool, let’s listen to that doughy scrub Newt Gingrich and his crazy fear mongering TALK about the dreaded electro magnetic pulse weapons, 9/11, be scared. As far as North Korea goes, I’m more afraid of those flying monkey’s from the Wizard of OZ than Kim Jong Ill, he’s almost dead and next in line to the throne is his son who like go to Japan to party. NO! What scares me is that Conservatives are still listening to the like of Newt Gingrich and Tom Delay who did a HELL of a lot more damage to the USA than any terrorist
. ...and yet they're still being rewarded?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My suspicions concerning the spy ware on THE computer have been confirmed by the guys at CMC. I’ve got some outsider’s working on tracking down the source. I can only hope it’s those assholes in law enforcement again. I would love to play them for fools like we did in So. Cal. If it’s private and not public then I’m prepared to make the call to “Collateral Damage” crew. They hate those nerd pukes that contribute NOTHING to society but want to destroy the hard work of others. AND if it’s corporate or someone trying to plagiarize the creativity of others, then I’LL DO THE JOB MYSELF! I KNOW a gang of Native-Americans that are aching to pull a Custer on some greedy scumbags.