Thursday, February 19, 2009

The sick, twisted Right-wing + their low grade thought processes

Republicans… jeez what a bunch of sore losers. I already knew Conservatives avoid fair play like the plaque, but the first month of the Obama/Biden Administration proved to the world, just how bad the right-wing really is. Actions and words (show true colors) coming from a DESPERATE RNC, Republican Congress, Conservative media outlets and of course… Radio Free Conservative.

It didn’t take more than 15 minutes after Obama was sworn in before Rush Limbaugh started his tirade (that I’m sure will last 4-8 years no matter how successful Obama/Biden is) The scary thing is that there are STILL millions of right-wing fanatics who follow Rush like so many sheep in a flock… the ditto-head flock.

Limbaugh, Hannity, Cunningham, Laura Ingram (ck sp) on + on + on have barely caught a breath since 1-21-09 criticizing and demonizing EVERYTHING Obama/Biden and the Democrats in congress are doing. EVEN THOUGH EVERY PROBLEM THE NATION IS FACING HAS BEEN CAUSED BY THE LOW GRADE THOUGHT PROCESSES AND WARPED STRATEGIES OF Bush/Cheney and Republicans in congress for the last 28 years. Verifiable proof of what I’m saying is VERY simple to come by but overwhelming in it’s enormity.

The time for debate has passed. Republicans have little legitimate argument or creditability since NO ONE on the Right has the courage to stand up and take responsibility for the last 8 years. They've decided to chuck the demands for ethics, responsibility, accountability and play the blame, finger pointing game instead. Obama this, Pelosi that, Reed the other thing… Barney Frank and Henry Waxman, (nudge, wink, nod)an ape cartoon and Ann Coulter… #*~/ you too!

You sick, twisted, bigoted, ignorant, holier-than-thou m’#*@~’s. I swear to the Almighty you right-wing fanatics are too STUPID TO VOTE! I have no doubt that if George W. Bush could have run for a 3rd term… YOU PATHETIC MORONS WOULD HAVE VOTED FOR HIM!

The epitome of ethnocentrism and hypocrisy. You’re all in one great Conservative cult… The sad thing is you pitiful citizens would have been better off hooking your wagon to someone like Wayne Bent. You could have went out to the desert and form your own little sick twisted war profiteering, scandalous world instead of ruining the USA.

Hey Rush and Shaun… if Obama is the Messiah or Savior, as you refer to him… then G.W. Bush must have been Anti-Christ, RIGHT?

UPDATE: 3-9-09
I called the Bob Clark radio show this morning to criticize all his whiny, cry baby Conservative listeners. That wussie Clark cut me off at 9:30 break, (on tape but no sign of my call). Isn’t it revealing that the same Conservatives and Republicans, who on these Radio Free Conservative radio stations, spent the last 25 year with Limbaugh calling Democrats and Liberal every name in the book and putting down or poking fun at everything we did. These same craven, hateful useful idiots NOW, after their ideology and agendas ruined the USA, refuse to listen to alternative viewpoints… It tells me only ONE THING! Conservatives can dish it out but they can’t take it.

Here’s the call I didn’t get to make:

"Y’know all you Conservatives do is call talk radio and complain about this legislation or that, this corrupt politician or another. Smart people can tell the places that have the most waste, fraud, abuse, scandal and corruption also has the most apathetic population. Instead of just complaining why don’t you coach potatoes get off your fat butts, stop watching TV and use that time to form coalitions, run petition drives, attend government meetings AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE POLITICAL PROBLEMS like the fine political activists on the Left do. Y’know the hardworking concerned citizen, volunteers and community organizers your station always makes fun of or puts down."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait until Jesus gets his hands on you, you liberal wacko, commie, socialist freak. We got your personal information from the LAW and local radio stations. We know who you are. We know where you live. Sleep tight traitor.